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Archive: Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
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Figure 1a and 1b Text Description

Figure 1a and 1b Text Description

On September 13-15, 2005, AHRQ convened a meeting to examine public health quality improvement interventions.

Figure 1. An integrated model of medical quality improvement (Text Description)

1A: Basic model for delivery of scientifically-grounded medical care

The first part of the figure is captioned "1A: Basic model for delivery of scientifically-grounded medical care." Below are three text boxes, reading from left to right: "Established generalizable scientific knowledge," plus "Patients or populations in particular settings," leads to (arrow points to) "Desirable outcomes."

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1B: Expanded model for change in medicine in response to new generalizable knowledge

The second part of the figure is captioned "1B: Expanded model for change in medicine in response to new generalizable knowledge." Below, two orange text boxes are labeled "Scientific discovery" and "Experiential discovery." Arrows point from these two boxes to a yellow text box that reads "New generalizable knowledge."

Next to "New generalizable knowledge" is a plus sign, then a yellow text box that reads "Patients, systems, organizations, or populations in particular settings," which leads to (arrow points to) "Improved processes and outcomes."

Below the plus sign is a blue text box that reads "Locating, acquiring, and evaluating new knowledge," with an arrow pointing up to the plus sign.

Above "Patients, systems, organizations, or populations in particular settings," is a a blue text box that reads "Adapting evidence and redesigning practices" with an arrow pointing down.

Below the arrow pointing to "Improved processes and outcomes" is a a blue text box that reads "Executing changes" with an arrow pointing up to the arrow above it. Above "Improved processes and outcomes" is another blue text bow that reads "Developing and using measurements."

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Current as of March 2009
Internet Citation: Figure 1a and 1b Text Description: Figure 1a and 1b Text Description. March 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care