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Archive: Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
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Your Medicine: Play It Safe


If you've ever had a problem with a medicine you're taking, you're not alone. Medicine is prescribed to help you, but it can hurt you if you take it incorrectly or mix medicines that shouldn't be taken together. A new booklet from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, or AHRQ (pronounced "ark"), provides advice to help you be sure that your medicines will do only what they're supposed to do.

Doctor Carolyn Clancy, director of AHRQ...

Safe health care shouldn't stop when you leave the hospital or doctor's office. Medication errors that occur at home are a serious problem. You can learn to take your prescription drugs safely by talking with your health care provider.

The booklet includes a handy chart where you can keep track of all your medicines, including those you can buy without a prescription, as well as any vitamins or other dietary supplements. The chart will help you and your doctor discuss everything you're taking. For a free copy of Your Medicine: Play It Safe, call 1-800-3-5-8-9-2-9-5. That's 1-800-3-5-8-9-2-9-5. I'm Bob Tebo for the Consumer Radio Network.

Current as of May 2003
Internet Citation: Your Medicine: Play It Safe. May 2003. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care