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Slide 6. CHIPRA Quality Measures Program

CMS and AHRQ Partnership Overview

Slide 6 Image

Slide presents a chart of the organization of the CHIPRA Quality Measures Program. At the top of the chart is a box labeled "Identify and Publish Core Measure Set." Below this box, arrows point down to three boxes labeled "Encourage Voluntary Reporting of Core Set," "Develop EHR [electronic health record] Program," and "Award Demonstration Grants."

Below "Encourage Voluntary Reporting of Core Set" are three boxes labeled "Provide States Technical Assistance," "Identify Best Practices," and "Annually report measures."

Below "Award Demonstration Grants" are five boxes labeled "Evaluate Core Set," "Evaluate EHR Impact," "Evaluate Provider Models," "Promote HIT [Health Information Technology]," and "Other State Activities." A dotted-line arrow also points from "Develop EHR Program" to "Evaluate EHR Impact."

Below "Develop EHR Program," but not connected to it by lines or arrows are two boxes labeled "Design Obesity Demonstration" and "Conduct Child Health/Quality Study." An arrow points from these two boxes to a large red box immediately below them labeled "Report to Congress." Arrows from "Encourage Voluntary Reporting of Core Set" and "Award Demonstration Grants" also point to "Report to Congress."

Below "Report to Congress" are two boxes labeled "Establish a Pediatrics Measures Program" and "Publish Changes to Measures for Broad Use."


Page last reviewed July 2009
Internet Citation: Slide 6. CHIPRA Quality Measures Program: CMS and AHRQ Partnership Overview. July 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care