Table 6-1. Interpretation of Percentile Scores

2009 Comparative Database Report

Percentile ScoreInterpretation
10th percentile
This score represents the lowest scoring hospitals.
10% of the hospitals scored the same or lower.
90% of the hospitals scored higher.
25th percentile
This score represents lower scoring hospitals.
25% of the hospitals scored the same or lower.
75% of the hospitals scored higher.
50th percentile (or median)
This score represents the middle of the distribution of hospitals.
50% of the hospitals scored the same or lower.
50% of the hospitals scored higher.
75th percentile
This score represents higher scoring hospitals.
75% of the hospitals scored the same or lower.
25% of the hospitals scored higher.
90th percentile
This score represents the highest scoring hospitals.
90% of the hospitals scored the same or lower.
10% of the hospitals scored higher.

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Page last reviewed April 2009
Internet Citation: Table 6-1. Interpretation of Percentile Scores: 2009 Comparative Database Report. April 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.