Figure 6. Additional information consumers would like the Web sites to include (n=537)

Users of Public Reports of Hospital Quality: Who, What, Why, and How?

Bar graph shows the following responses: Specific condition, 21%; Individual doctors, 20%; Specific surgery, 18%; Comments from patients, 15%; How much one would pay, 12%; Practical information about hospital, 5%; Hospital is not on the Web site, 5%; Other, 5%.

Bar graph shows the following responses: Specific condition, 21%; Individual doctors, 20%; Specific surgery, 18%; Comments from patients, 15%; How much one would pay, 12%; Practical information about hospital, 5%; Hospital is not on the Web site, 5%; Other, 5%.

Note: Answer option wording was as follows: How well the hospital treats my specific medical condition, How well the hospital does specific surgery or procedure, How much I would pay, Practical aspects of the hospital (for example, phone number, location), Comments from people who have been patients at the hospital, Hospitals that are not currently on the Web site, Individual doctors within a hospital, Other.

Page last reviewed December 2011
Internet Citation: Figure 6. Additional information consumers would like the Web sites to include (n=537): Users of Public Reports of Hospital Quality: Who, What, Why, and How?. December 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.