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Slide 54

Project RED: Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program

Provides a four-module training program to help hospitals implement Project RED.

Poor Communication with PCP and Lack of Coordination

  • The hospital discharge process is often characterized by poor communication and a lack of coordination between the hospital and the PCP.
  • When patients are discharged, they often do not know what medications their physicians have prescribed, when their follow-up appointments should take place, and, in some cases, why they were hospitalized.


Establishing a strong physician referral base is a key component or success measure for Project RED. Communicating with the next caregiver provides information about the patient�s length of stay and rationale for the treatment plan established at discharge.

Page last reviewed August 2011
Internet Citation: Slide 54: Project RED: Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program. August 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care