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Slide 12

Project RED: Module 2: The Re-Designed Discharge Process: Patient Admi

Provides a four-module training program to help hospitals implement Project RED.

Process Metrics

  • Average time to notify DA about new admission
  • Average time from admission to first patient visit by DA (initiation of care plan) — only for patients who meet all criteria
  • Percent of patients' PCPs notified within 24 hours discharge
  • Percent of follow-up phone calls made within 48 hours


In Module 1, we provided these process metrics that you might consider using:

  • To evaluate how well the intervention has been implemented.
  • To assist with interpreting your post-intervention readmission rates, average length of stay, patient experience, and staff perceptions.

For example, if your outcome rates did not change much, it may be related to how well the new discharge program was implemented. If it wasn't implemented well, then the intervention itself should not be blamed or claimed to be ineffective. Rather, it may be that the implementation of the intervention was flawed and needs to be improved to achieve the desired results.

Metrics on this slide are associated with the timeliness of discharge-related activities. For example, they assess how quickly Project RED activities were initiated, how timely the notification of the PCP was, and how timely the follow-up call was to the patient. If you choose to use these time-related metrics, the DA can complete the Discharge Advocate's Data Collection Tool in real time and then forward it to the quality department for entry into a spreadsheet for analysis.

Page last reviewed August 2011
Internet Citation: Slide 12: Project RED: Module 2: The Re-Designed Discharge Process: Patient Admi. August 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care