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Figure 1. Algorithm for Prediction Model (Text Description)

Research in Action, Issue 7

The algorithm for the prediction model for community-acquired pneumonia follows:

  1. Patients with community-acquired pneumonia
  2. Is the patient over 50 years of age? No: continue to next step. Yes: Assign patient to risk class II-V based on prediction model scoring system.
  3. Does the patient have a history of any of the following comorbid conditions? No: continue to next step. Yes: Assign patient to risk class II-V based on prediction model scoring system.
  4. Does the patient have any of the following abnormalities on physical examination? No: Assign patient to risk class I. Yes: Assign patient to risk class II-V based on prediction model scoring system.

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Current as of July 2002
Internet Citation: Figure 1. Algorithm for Prediction Model (Text Description): Research in Action, Issue 7. July 2002. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.