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Conceptual Framework (Text Description)

National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2002

The National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR) is a comprehensive national overview of quality of health care in the United States. It is organized around four dimensions of quality of care: effectiveness, patient safety, timeliness, and patient centeredness.

National Healthcare Disparities Report Conceptual Framework (Text Description)

The National Healthcare Disparities Report conceptual framework is a matrix consisting of three dimensions:

  • Attributes of health care.
  • Patients' needs.
  • Disparities.

Attributes of health care that will be examined in the report include Access to Care, Receipt of Care, and Quality of Care:

  • Access to Care measures include Entry Barriers, Structural Barriers, and Cultural Barriers.
  • Receipt of Care measures include Use of Services and Cost of Services.
  • Quality of Care measures include Effectiveness, Safety, Timeliness, and Patient Centeredness.

Patients' needs that will be examined in the report include Staying Healthy, Getting Better, Living with Illness or Disability, and End of Life Care. Disparities that will be examined in the report include Racial and Ethnic Disparities and Socioeconomic Disparities. Underneath this conceptual framework is a representation of Health Status and Healthcare Need to indicate that disparities in healthcare need to be interpreted in the context of disparities in health.

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Current as of May 2005
Internet Citation: Conceptual Framework (Text Description): National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2002. May 2005. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care