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Table 16_1_2-1b

2009 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports

The National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR) is a comprehensive national overview of quality of health care in the United States. It is organized around four dimensions of quality of care: effectiveness, patient safety, timeliness, and patient centeredness.

Table 16_1_2.1b
People under age 65 with public health insurance only,a by ethnicity, United States, 2007
  TotalAll racesWhiteBlackHispanic, all races
Population groupPercentSEPercentSEPercentSEPercentSEPercentSE
Total 32.90.428.10.523.70.546.
Family incomebNegative/poor77.71.372.61.666.62.381.71.690.20.9
Near poor/low59.30.855.
Education, ages 25–64Less than high school62.90.957.11.351.81.770.
High school graduate34.10.631.80.728.70.844.31.549.01.4
At least some college17.60.416.50.414.50.427.
Residence locationcMetropolitan31.90.526.30.521.40.545.
  Large central metro35.50.827.40.919.40.946.51.657.71.1
  Large fringe metro24.00.920.60.917.
  Medium metro33.
  Small metro36.21.633.31.729.21.657.63.560.12.6
Micropolitan (nonmetro)37.61.635.41.532.11.551.
Noncore (nonmetro)40.42.338.22.434.
Activity limitations,c ages 18–64Basic activities53.
Complex activities60.
No activity limitations27.30.523.60.520.30.538.

a Estimates are not adjusted.

b Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over. Missing values for family income were imputed using multiple imputation methodology. A small number of people were excluded because their family income could not be imputed.

c For more information, see the National Health Interview Survey entry in Appendix A, Data Sources.

Key: SE: standard error.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey.


Current as of March 2010
Internet Citation: Table 16_1_2-1b: 2009 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. March 2010. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care