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Table 10-4

2012 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports

This appendix provides detailed data tables for all measures analyzed for the 2012 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. Tables are included for measures discussed in the main text of the reports as well as for other measures that were examined but not included in the main text.
Table 10.4
Change in disparities over timea for measures where American Indians and Alaska Natives received worse health care than Whites in most recent year
MeasurebMost recent yearChange in disparities
End stage renal disease due to diabetes per million population2009Narrowing
Women under age 70 treated for breast cancer with breast-conserving surgery who received radiation therapy to the breast within 1 year of diagnosis2009Same
New AIDS cases per 100,000 population age 13 and over2009Same
Children ages 19-35 months who received 4 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine2010Same
Hospital patients with pneumonia who had blood cultures collected before antibiotics were administered2010Same
Hospital patients with pneumonia who received the initial antibiotic dose within 6 hours of hospital arrival2010Same
Hospital patients with pneumonia who received the initial antibiotic consistent with current recommendations2010Same
Hospital patients with pneumonia who received influenza screening or vaccination2010Same
Hospital patients with pneumonia who received pneumococcal screening or vaccination2010Same
Long-stay nursing home residents with most of their time spent in bed or in a chair2010Same
Long-stay nursing home residents with moderate to severe pain2010Same
Low-risk long-stay nursing home residents with a catheter inserted and left in the bladder2010Same
Adult home health care patients who received urgent, unplanned medical care2009Same
Adult home health care patients who stayed at home after an episode of home health care2009Same
Long-stay nursing home residents who received influenza vaccination during the flu season2009Same
Short-stay nursing home residents who received influenza vaccination during the flu season2009Same
Long-stay nursing home residents who were assessed for pneumococcal vaccination2010Same
Short-stay nursing home residents who were assessed for pneumococcal vaccination2010Same
High-risk long-stay nursing home residents with pressure sores2010Same
Low-risk long-stay nursing home residents with pressure sores2010Same
Short-stay nursing home residents with pressure sores2010Same
Adult home health care patients who had to be admitted to the hospital2009Same
Hospice patients who received the right amount of medicine for pain2011Same
Hospice patients who received care consistent with their stated end-of-life wishes2011Same
Hospice patients who received the right amount of help for feelings of anxiety or sadness2011Same
Adult surgery patients who received prophylactic antibiotics within 1 hour prior to surgical incision2010Same
Rating of health care by adults who had a doctor's office or clinic visit in the last 12 months (0-6), all adults or Medicaid (State)2009Same
People with a usual source of care whose health care providers sometimes or never asked for the person’s help to make treatment decisions2009Same
Hospital patients with heart failure discharged home with written instructions or educational material2010Same
People under age 65 with health insurance2010Same
People under age 65 with any private health insurance2010Same
People under age 65 who were uninsured all year2009Same
People under age 65 with any period of uninsurance during the year2009Same
Adults age 50 and over who ever received a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or proctoscopy2008Growing
Hospital patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction who were prescribed ACE inhibitor or ARB at discharge2010Growing
People with difficulty contacting their usual source of care over the telephone2009Growing

a. Annual rate of change within each subgroup is estimated using linear regression model. Change in disparities is the difference in the annual rate of change between subgroup and reference group. See Chapter 10, Priority Populations, in the 2012 National Healthcare Disparities Report for reference.
b. Includes measures where subgroup received worse health care than reference group in most recent year.

Source: Database for the National Healthcare Quality Report and National Healthcare Disparities Report.

Page last reviewed June 2013
Internet Citation: Table 10-4: 2012 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. June 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care