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Project RED: Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program

Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) Training Program

This is the text version of the slide presentation titled Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program.

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  1. Project RED: Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program
  2. Re-Engineering Discharge: Project RED
  3. Module 1 Outline
  4. Participant's Training Program: A Facilitated Implementation Plan
  5. Discharge Planning
  6. Course Overview Modules 1 -4
  7. Module 1: Objectives
  8. Strategic Priorities
  9. Principles of the Re-Engineered Hospital Discharge
  10. Principles of the Re-Engineered Hospital Discharge (continued)
  11. Performance Improvement Structure
  12. Determine Your Infrastructure
  13. Project RED Oversight Committee - Steering
  14. Emphasize Process, Focus on Results
  15. Project Champion
  16. The Project Team
  17. Project Team Leader
  18. Project Physician Champion
  19. Discharge Advocate
  20. Discharge Advocate
  21. Patient's Physician
  22. Pharmacist
  23. As a Team, Answer the Following Questions
  24. Develop the Team Charter
  25. Sample Team Charter
  26. Define the Current State
  27. Your Current State May Look Like This
  28. Sample Process Map: Patient Discharge
  29. Once the Process Map is Completed
  30. Establish Your Gap Analysis
  31. Challenges to Implementation: Medical Team Related
  32. Challenges to Implementation: Hospital Related
  33. Challenges to Implementation: Patient Related
  34. Patient Re-admission to the Hospital: Cause and Effect Diagram
  35. Process Metrics
  36. Process Metrics
  37. Outcome Metrics for Target Population
  38. Let Us Pause A Moment
  39. RED Checklist
  40. Project RED Components
  41. Discharge Planning Rounds
  42. Generating the Discharge Care Plan
  43. AHRQ Template for Care Plan
  44. A Visual: After Hospital Care Plan
  45. Medications
  46. Medications - Continued
  47. Medications - Continued
  48. Follow-up Appointments
  49. Patient Questions
  50. Information About Condition
  51. Location of Appointments
  52. Compare Discharge Information
  53. Eliminate Documentation Time and Re-Writes
  54. Poor Communication with PCP and Lack of Coordination
  55. Primary Care Physician Referral Base
  56. Post-Discharge Phone Call
  57. Module 1: Summary: Expected Outcomes
  58. Progression to Module 2 Checklist

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Page last reviewed August 2011
Internet Citation: Project RED: Module 1: Preparing to Redesign Your Discharge Program: Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) Training Program. August 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


The information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.


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